I would love to travel all day doing different locations for a senior session but it's not practical. My seniors often want to bring something to the shoot that they are identified with. So when Lexi said she wanted to do a volleyball shot and brought jeans, a white volley ball shirt and then the black shorts and black shirt, she was leaving the choice up to me. I wanted dramatic. Not something in the grass with volley ball. They play inside, right? It was now 11:45 am on a hot sunny Colorado day. No clouds. We found a bit of shade a long a metal staircase and I used it. I dropped the metering to -2 and did TTL with my Profit B-1 and used my A-1 on a stand to pop a little light onto the ball and then the wall for separation and impact. I always try to push myself to do something different and use all the tools I have. I changed out my portrait lens to my 35mm to give me the wide angle I wanted.