The purpose of this post to help moms and dads take better photographs of their kids playing sports. Here is the deal- you are going to miss the shot if you are trying to do it with your iPhone or a point and shoot camera. The delay will kill it. So, if you have a SLR camera (single-lens reflex) here are some easy tips.
1. Make sure the sun is on the subject. Do not have them back-lit (meaning the sun is behind them and you are trying to avoid shooting into it)
2. Bump your ISO to 500-2000. This won't be so grainy in higher-end cameras.
3. Put your camera on TV mode (shutter priority). Make sure your shutter is up to at least 1000 so it can caputure your image without any blur.
4. Set your AF Drive to AI Focus and your shot from SINGLE to MULITPLE (you will see the recatangle go from one to multiple) so you can fire away capturing your subject in focus and with rapid fire, so you are not to miss a cool shot.
Get up from that camping chair and have fun!